Dear Bee Hive,
It’s a blessing and an honor to support you all during these uncertain times. As a wellness brand our goal has always been to provide clean, conscious, and intuitive self-care products for EVERY being. I want everyone to know that Bee Veda stands with BIPOC and BLACK LIVES MATTER today and ALWAYS. We believe that NO ONE can be well until we are ALL well. That means we have to get to work (us white people) personally, professionally, politically, in our communities, and globally to dismantle the violent and racist systems we have been upholding in our nation. As for Bee Veda, this means listening, learning, supporting other small businesses owned by BIPOC, sharing resources, lifting the voices of BIPOC in our industry, and realizing our own short-comings so that we can do better as we continue to do this work. This month we have put together a collection of resources for you including recommended social media accounts, books, podcasts, and articles by BIPOC and allies that are sharing their knowledge in efforts to make meaningful change. If their work helps you on your journey to understanding PLEASE pay them.
The resources we’ve provided are meant to be a supplement and are mostly limited to people doing work in the wellness community. Please continue to seek out other resources as well.
This month we will be donating 20% of our profits to NQTTCN (National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network). Details below.
As always, I am humbled and grateful to serve you, our community, in any way we can. Sending love, peace, and wellness.
Allie Tice
Founder of Bee Veda